Portrait of courage

Hi lovelies,

I seen this beautiful piece of artwork at one Houston’s biggest art museum. This artwork symbolizes the book, Portrait of Courage: Gentileschi, Wiley, and the Story of Judith by Rachel Cohen that explores the portrayal of Judith, a heroine of the Jewish people, in art throughout history. The book focuses on the works of two artists, Artmeisia Gentileschi and Kehinde Wiley, and their depictions of Judith in their respective works. Through analyzing their art, the book examines themes of power, agency, and representation, and highlights the ways in which art can shape our understanding of history and mythology.

In doing so, the Black woman holding the white woman’s head displays her taking back her power and stopping herself from still receiving systematic racism. It suggests a powerful though-provoking message about the ways in which marginalized communities can reclaim their power and agency in the face of systematic oppression. Overall, “Portrait of Courage” offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the enduring story of Judith and its impact on art and culture.


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